High quality microfibre ideal for wiping polish residue 40cm x 40cm...
40 x 40 cm High polyamide content Ultra soft and very effective for...
The high-end microfibre to dry your car 50 cm by 70cm and a density of...
The Rolls of Microfiber Wash Gloves Very soft for your body, avoids...
Removes surface haze with ease Ideal final buff cloth for coatings The...
Spray for wax maintenance, spray directly on the paint and polish with a...
Renowned product for decontaminating the rims and bodywork (ph neutral)...
Renowned product for decontaminating the rims and bodywork (ph neutral)...
PAD for a medium pass, less abrasive than blue, possibility of passing a...
High quality microfibre ideal for wiping polish residue 40cm x 40cm Machine wash, but without fabric softener
40 x 40 cm High polyamide content Ultra soft and very effective for removing residues
Pré lavage, lavage à la main avec la méthode deux sauts, séchage à la main, décontamination, pose d'une cire (au choix)
The high-end microfibre to dry your car 50 cm by 70cm and a density of 1200grams, per m2! One is enough to dry your car by limiting the micro-scratches to the maximum
The Rolls of Microfiber Wash Gloves Very soft for your body, avoids micro scratches, easily machine washable
Removes surface haze with ease Ideal final buff cloth for coatings The ultimate microfiber
Spray for wax maintenance, spray directly on the paint and polish with a microfiber Gives extra shine, prolongs the duration of your treatment Contains Carnauba of the same quality as waxes AUTO FINESSE
Renowned product for decontaminating the rims and bodywork (ph neutral) of tar and oxidation tasks Easily removes brake dust Ready to use
Renowned product for decontaminating the rims and bodywork (ph neutral) of tar and oxidation tasks Easily removes brake dust Ready to use
PAD for a medium pass, less abrasive than blue, possibility of passing a finishing pad for a perfect result PAD of 75mm PAD for all types of varnish Combines very well with the MENZERNA 2500 Especially suitable for roto-orbitals (DAS 6 pro plus)
MENZERNA, to remove vortices, scratches and oxidations Contains no fillers or silicone
The famous valetpro clay to decontaminate your paint smoothly Removes tar, sap and other contaminants Used with citrus bling to lubricate in order to avoid scratching your bodywork